10.2.2009 | 16:10
Tempest in a teapot?
No big deal? Perhaps this situation will miraculously fix itself or magically fade away. I, for one, am very interested in the IMF's stipulations and expedient implementation. Or is this a seventy some-odd day lame duck government?
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Come on... a single memo from the IMF goes unnoticed by the PM for a day and you consider that major?
Compared to the past, it´s a miracle that we heard about it at all. What IS different is that the PM´s office replied to the IMF requesting that the request for secrecy be lifted from the memo because they want to be open and frank.
That is a breath of fresh air!
Rúnar Þór Þórarinsson, 10.2.2009 kl. 18:19
Point made Rúnar. Sometimes I miss the little nuances. Transparency is indeed refreshing and I hope it sets a trend. Thanks.
Glen Ricardo Faulk, 10.2.2009 kl. 20:25
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